- Servlet is a web technology from Sun microsystems(On January 27, 2010, Sun was acquired by Oracle Corporation)
- Servlets is a Java based web technology to develop server side programs to make a website interactive.
- Servlet is an API.
- Servlet is aspecification.
- Any java based interactive website can be loaded into any brand web servlet without changing the single line of source code as web server is developed according to servlet specification.
- Servlet is a J2EE technology.
Web container:
- Web container is a software that comprises of three modules
- web server
- Servlet Engine/ servlet container
- Jsp Engine / Jsp container
Servlet engine:
- servlet java engine is specialized software developed according to specification
- A jsp engine is a specialized software developed according to specification
- jsp engine execute s jsps
General duties of servlet:
- To make website interactive a servlet performs the folowing duties in general
- Capturing the user input
- communicating with database
- processing of data
- producing a dynamic page
- Handling over the dynamic page to the webserver
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