• C program examples with output and explanation
  • We have provided some c programming practice problems for beginners.
  • Please check below list of c programs for practice. C Programs for Practice PDF | 50+ Basic C Programs List For Free
  • C programming coding questions and answers
  • C programs for practice for beginners
  • Here you can find simple c programs for practice . 

 Write a C Program to find sum of two numbers

    • Sum of two integers using c. This might be the first practice program for all users.
    • To check sum of two integers , read input from user and store in two corresponding integer variables.
    • Also take one more variable to store result of sum of two numbers
    • For example lets take 
    • Input : 10, 20 
    • Output:

  1. Fibonacci series program in c
  2. Ascii values in c
  3. C program to find largest element in an array
  4. Sum of digits of a number in c
  5. Print even numbers in c
  6. Sum of n numbers in c using for loop
  7. C program for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using switch
  8. Write a c program to generate fibonacci series without recursion  
  9. c program addition subtraction, multiplication and division using function
  10. Write a c program to generate fibonacci series using recursion
  11. Matrix multiplication in c program with explanation
  12. Factorial program in c without recursion
  13. C program to check number is armstrong number or not
  14. Check Armstrong number in c using recursive function  
  15. C program for even or odd using for loop 
  16. C program to check odd or even without using modulus operator and division operator
  17. Prime number program in c using for loop and while loop 
  18. C program to print prime numbers from 1 to n
  19. C program to print multiplication table using while loop and for loop
  20. C program to convert binary to decimal using for loop 
  21. C program to reverse a number using while loop and for loop
  22. C program to find sum of n numbers using for loop 
  23. C program to find leap year using if else  
  24. c program to check leap year using conditional operator  
  25. C program to print patterns of numbers,alphabets and stars in a pyramid shape
  26. C program to swap two numbers without using third variable and using functions 
  27. C Program to swap two numbers without using third variable 
  28. Write a C program to swap two integer arrays  
  29. C program for swapping of two strings  
  30. C program to print given number in words 
  31. C program to print 1 to 100 without using loop
  32. C program to find ASCII value of a string  
  33. Convert string to integer c programming  
  34. C program to display characters from a to z using loop 
  35. C programming power function example program 
  36. C program for addition subtraction multiplication and division using switch case  
  37. C program to delete an element in an array
  38. C program to insert an element in an array
  39. Switch case in c example program
  40. Prime number program in c using for loop
  41. Fibonacci series in c without recursion
  42. Write a c program to print pyramid pattern of numbers
  43. C program to check a number is palindrome or not
  44. C program to check whether the triangle is right angled triangle
  45. Find GCD of two numbers in C
  46. C program to find sum of even numbers using while loop
  47. Print integer in c
  48. Sum of two integers in c
  49. C program to check whether a character is vowel or consonant
  50. C program to print table of 2 using for loop

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