- Java 8 introduced two new methods in interface they are
1.default methods
2.static methods - By this interfaces and abstract class are same but still having lot differences like abstract class can have a constructor etc will discuss more before that we need to know about these Java 8 features of interfaces.
- Defaults methods are also called as defender methods can be implemented inside the interface
- Like normal class now with java 8 we can declare static methods in side a interface.
- Lets jump deep into Java 8 default and static methods
1.Interface Default Methods in Java 8
- Before Java 8 in interfaces we can and able to declare only abstract methods only.
- If we declare a method without abstract that will be treated as abstract by default.
- As we know all methods in interfaces are by default abstract methods.
- These methods wont have body means implementations
- The class which is implementing this interface need to provide body / implementation for this abstract methods.
- Now with java 8 default methods we can add methods to interface without disturbing existing functionality.
- So instead of overriding now we can inherit these default methods from interfaces
- Defaults methods are also known as defender methods or virtual extension methods
- Default methods will help us to avoid utility classes.
- We can define utility methods inside the interface and use it in all classes which is implementing.
- One of the major reason to introduce this default methods in java 8 is to support lambda expressions in collections API and to enhance.
- package com.instanceofjava;
- interface Java8Interface{
- abstract void show();
- default void display(){
- System.out.println("default method of interface");
- }
- }
- package com.instanceofjava;
- class Sample implements Java8Interface {
- void show(){
- System.out.print("overridden method ")
- }
- public static void main(String[] args){
- Sample obj= new Sample();
- obj.show(); // calling implemented method
- obj.display(); // calling inherited method
- Java8Interface.display(); calling using interface name
- }
- }
- overridden method
- default method of interface
- default method of interface
How to call default methods:
- We can all these default methods by using interface name and also by using object of the class which is implementing.
- From above example
- obj.show(); // calling implemented method
- obj.display(); // calling inherited method
- Java8Interface.display(); calling using interface name
Can we override java 8 default method
- As we discussed above default methods in interfaces are implemented methods with bodies
- Yes we can override same method in class which is implementing this interface.
- Lets see one sample program how to override and what happens if we override
- package com.instanceofjava;
- interface InterfaceWithDefault{
- default void defMethod(){
- System.out.println("default method of interface");
- }
- }
- package com.instanceofjava;
- class Demo implements InterfaceWithDefault{
- void defMethod(){
- System.out.print("overridden method in class Demo ")
- }
- public static void main(String[] args){
- Demo obj= new Demo();
- obj.defMethod(); // calling overridden method
- Java8Interface.defMethod(); calling using interface name : interface defMethod will be called
- }
- }
- overridden method in class Demo
- default method of interface
What happens if we implement two interfaces having same default methods
- Now lets see if a class implementing two interfaces which are having same default methods
- Whatever the implementation in the two interfaces defined if we implementing two interfaces which are having a default method in both then compilation error will come if two methods have same signature. works fine if two methods have same name with different arguments.
- Check the below example programs to understand more.
- package com.instanceofjava;
- interface A{
- default void defMethod(){
- System.out.println("default method of interface: A");
- }
- }
- package com.instanceofjava;
- interface B{
- default void defMethod(){
- System.out.println("default method of interface: B");
- }
- }
- package com.instanceofjava;
- class Demo implements A, B{ // compilation error will come
- public static void main(String[] args){
- Demo obj= new Demo();
- }
- }
- If we implement two interfaces which are having same method with same parameters then compilation error will occur.
- Duplicate default methods named "defMethod" with the parameters () and () are inherited from the types A and B.
- If we define two methods with different type of parameters then we can work with both interfaces.
- package com.instanceofjava;
- interface A{
- default void defMethod(){
- System.out.println("Default method of interface: A");
- }
- }
- package com.instanceofjava;
- interface B{
- default void defMethod(String str){
- System.out.println("Default method of interface: B");
- System.out.println(str);
- }
- }
- package com.instanceofjava;
- class Demo implements A, B{ // compilation error will come
- public static void main(String[] args){
- Demo obj= new Demo();
- obj.defMethod();
- obj.defMethod("Java 8")
- }
- }
- Default method of interface: A
- Default method of interface: B
- Java 8
1.Interface Static Methods in Java 8
- Another Java 8 interface method is static method.
- Now we can define static methods inside interface but we can not override these static methods.
- These static method will act as helper methods.
- These methods are the parts of interface not belongs to implementation class objects.
- package com.instanceofjava;
- interface StaticInterface{
- Static void print(String str){
- System.out.println("Static method of interface:"+str);
- }
- }
- package com.instanceofjava;
- class Demo implements StaticInterface{
- public static void main(String[] args){
- StaticInterface.print("Java 8")
- }
- }
- Static method of interface: Java 8
A Mistake in the post:
ReplyDeleteWe cannot call interface's default methods using interface. we have to make instance of the implemented class and then using the instance ref var, we can call the interface's default methods.
error at:
Java8Interface.display(); calling using interface name //
obj.display(); //is correct.
default method called by using super keyword