• Identity operator, before going to identity operator let's have a small idea about its background.
  • We have multiple operators from them special operator is the one, in that special operator we are having two types of operators :
  • 1.Identity operator.
  • 2.Membership operator.
  • Now let's talk about the identity operator,
  • "Identity operator" is used to compare whether the value in the first argument may be or may not be the same in the second argument.
  • In identity operator we have two  types, they are:
  1. is
  2.  is not
  • "is" operator is used to saying that the value is present in the corresponding argument.
  • If the value is present in the corresponding argument then it returns True, else False.
  • is operator always checks the address comparison
  • "is not " operator is used to saying that the value is not present in the corresponding argument.
  • If the value not presents then it returns the True otherwise False.

Example: write a python program using is identity operator.

  1. a="apple"
  2. b="apple"
  3. print(a is b)
  4. True

#2.write a python program using isnot operator.

  1. a="Apple"
  2. b="apple"
  3. print(a isnot b)
  4. True

Instance Of Java

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