- Operators are nothing but the special symbols used in between the operands.
- In python, we use the operators to perform some arithmetic, logic, and some more operations.
- These operations are performed on the variables, values, arguments nothing but the operands.
- We can perform operations on one or more operands.
- In python, we have six operators.
- Arithmetic( to add),comparison(to compare), logical( perform logical operations), bitwise(cal bitwise operations), assignment(assign values), special(check address and content ).
1.Arithmetic operator:
- It is also called a math operator and it applicable for all int and float types values.
- The following link will show a detailed explanation of arithmetic operators.
- Click this link for more information about arithmetic operators
2. comparison operator:
- It compares and shows the relation of variables.
- The following link will give a detailed explanation of the comparison operators.
- Click the link for more information about the comparison operator
3. Logical operator:
- This operator performs the logical operations on variables.
- There are 3 logical operators.
write a python program using logical operators.
- The following link shows more content about logical operators.
- Click the link for more information about logical operators.
4. Bitwise operator:
- It is used to perform bit-wise calculations.
- We have 6 operators and applied to int and bool.
write a python code using bitwise operators.
- The Following shows detailed information.
- Click the link for more information about bitwise operators.
5. Assignment operator:
- It assigns the values to variables.
- we have 12 operators in it.
- The following link shows a detailed explanation of the assignment operator.
- Click the link for more information about assignment operators.
6.Special operator:
- In, not in and is, is not are special operators.
- Membership operators and identity operators are 2 types in it.
- Membership operator is used to giving member is present in the list or not.
- eg: list=[1,2,3]
- pint(1 is a list )
- output: true.
write a python program using the special operator.
- The following link gives more information about the special operators.
- Click the link for more information about special operators.
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