Install the Latest Angular Version: Step-by-Step Guide

What’s the Latest Angular Version?

  • Angular issues new versions every six months; the latest major release came out in November. This guide is intended to help you install the most recent stable release of Angular no matter what exact version number it has.

  • For the current version, please use the official Angular blog or check out the GitHub releases.

Angular recent version installation

Step 1: Install Node.js and npm

  • Angular needs Node.js (18.13.0 and up) and npm (Node Package Manager) in order to operate correctly.

  1. Get Node.js:

  2. Verify that things are OK:

    node --version
    npm --version

Step 2: Install the Angular CLI Globally

  • The Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is the most convenient way to create and manage Angular projects.

  1. Go to your terminal and enter:

    npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

    For Yarn users:

    yarn global add @angular/cli@latest
  2. Verify that things are OK:

    ng version
    • This will display the newest versions of both the Angular CLI and the framework. For example, "Angular v17.0.0".

Step 3: Create a New Angular Project

  1. Generate a new Angular project:

    ng new my-angular-app
  2. This will prompt questions in your CLI:

    • Would you like to enable Angular analytics? (Optional)

    • Which stylesheet format? (SCSS, CSS, etc.)

    • Enable Server-Side Rendering (SSR)? (Optional for Angular 17+).

  3. Enter your project folder:

    cd my-angular-app

Step 4: Run the Application

  1. Start the development server:

    ng serve
  2. Open http://localhost:4200 in your browser; you should see the default Angular welcome page.

How to Update an Existing Project to the Latest Angular Version

  1. Update Angular CLI globally (as in Step 2).

  2. Enter the root folder of your Angular project.

  3. Run:

    ng update @angular/core@latest @angular/cli@latest
  4. Resolve dependencies:

    • Update third-party libraries (e.g., Angular Material, NgRx).

    • Review breaking changes in the Angular Update Guide.

  5. Test your application thoroughly:

    ng serve

Troubleshooting Common Installation Issues

  1. Permission Errors

    • Use sudo (for macOS/Linux) or open a PowerShell/CMD window as Administrator (for Windows):

      sudo npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
  2. Version Conflicts

    • Clean Up npm Cache:

      npm cache clean --force
  3. Outdated Node.js

    • If node --version shows any version number less than 18.13.0, upgrade it!

Best Practices in Angular Development

  1. Stay Updated

    • Revisit the Angular blog or use ng version to check for new releases every 6 months.

  2. Use Angular CLI

    • Develop new components, services, and modules using ng generate.

  3. Enable Strict Mode

    • Use TypeScript’s strict checks to avoid unsafe code:

      ng new my-app --strict

FAQ: Angular Installation Questions

Q1: How do I know if I have the latest Angular version?

Q2: Can I install different Angular versions?

  • Yes, using npx to create projects with specific versions:

    npx @angular/cli@latest new my-app

Q3: Why upgrade to the newest Angular version?

  • You get more features, better performance, security patches, and bug fixes.

Q4: Can Angular be used on Windows/macOS/Linux?

  • Yes, Angular works on all major operating systems.

Installing the latest Angular version ensures access to cutting-edge tools and optimizations. The process has become simpler over time. Stay updated via the Angular blog for the latest news.

below topic covered:

  • Install latest Angular version

  • Current Angular version

  • Angular CLI setup

  • Angular update guide

  • Angular troubleshooting

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